Add your wallet in a single click. We support wallets on the BSC and ETH networks currently. Once added our software will pull in any related coins/contracts and the transaction history. There is no connection or DAPP, it just searches the blockchains for this information.
Crypto Coin Portfolio
Track all of your crypto currencies in on place with our easy to use crypto coin portfolio tool.
Add Transactions
Don’t want to connect your wallet or need to add custom coins on networks we don’t yet support? Easily add custom transactions for buying, selling or reflections earned on your cryptocurrency.
View Transactions
View all of your transactions at the coin level whether that’s buys, sells or reflections earned. You can also edit or delete transactions as needed.
Track Your Price Changes
Unlike other tools we track you % and $ changes based on the data you manually enter or we automatically pull in. Prices are shown at the overall portfolio and individual coin level. Many new coins don’t include prices within TrustWallet or other applications. We are able to tie in the price with any coin on the network.
Quick Links
Use our quick links for quick navigation to Coinbase, DexTools, PooCoin, and the coins homepage.
We’re releasing new features and enhancements daily to make your crypto investments simpler to track. We’ll continue to update this page and announce them on our blog. Have an idea? Contact us below!